Athletic Therapy is a health care profession dedicated to the prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of all types of musculoskeletal injury.

Athletic Therapists are certified health care professionals who treat bone, ligament, tendon, muscle or joint issues. This includes acute, chronic, age-related and long-term injuries. Athletic Therapists employ a range of treatment techniques including massage therapy and other soft-tissue therapies, joint mobilizations, therapeutic modalities and exercise rehabilitation. A key component of Athletic Therapy is patient education.

Claire O'Shea

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What Is The Role Of Athletic Therapists?


Help to give you an understanding of why your injury or pain is occurring, how best to treat it and how to prevent re-injury.

They make sure to work with you as a partner in your rehabilitation,helping you to take control of your health care.

They use a holistic approach, focusing on you as a whole person, rather than just your injury. They look to assess and correct your movement patterns to help you to return to your sport or activity more efficiently and stronger than before.

For more information you can visit the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association

Components of Athletic Therapy may include some of the following

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Kew Gardens Health Group & Centre of Balance

2175 Queen Street East, Suite 302
Toronto, ON
M4E 1E5

Kew Gardens Health 416-907-0103 / Centre of Balance 647-436-9080

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